



来源:威海贵学雅思培训学校    时间:2020/6/19 10:18:41

  段落第 一句是主题句,通常具有以下特征:
  如果段落句具有以下特征,则不是主题句:第 一句只是承接上一段,没有讲新的观点/事物,如:
  Here we have two radically different explanations for why so many teacher-subjects were willing to forgo their sense of personal responsibility for the sake of an institutional authority figure.The problem for biologists,psychologists and anthropologists is to sort out which of these two polar explanations is more plausible.This,in essence,is the problem of modern sociobiology-to discover the degree to which hard-wired genetic programming dictates,or at least strongly biases,the interaction of animals and humans with their environment,that is their behaviour.
  Identifying genetically talented individuals is only the first step.Michael Yessis,an emeritus professor of Sport Science at California State University at Fullerton,maintains that‘genetics only determines about one third of what an athlete can do.But with the right training we can go much further with that one third than we've been going.’Yessis believes that U.S runners,despite their impressive achievements,are‘running on their genetics'.By applying more specific methods,'they're going to go much faster'.These methods include strength training that duplicates what they are doing in their running events as well as plyometrics,a technique pioneered in the former Soviet Union.
  该句的“only the first step”就含有让步的意味。另外,如果在紧接着的第二句话中,看到有however,but,instead等转折词或出现否定句话的词,也说明句话不是主题句。详见下面的例子:
  There is a widespread belief that increasing wealth encourages people to live farther out where cars are the only viable transport.The example of European cities refutes that.They are often wealthier than their American counterparts but have not generated the same level of car use.In Stockholm,car use has actually fallen in recent years as the city has become larger and wealthier.A new study makes this point even more starkly.Developing cities in Asia,such as Jakarta and Bangkok,make more use of the car than wealthy Asian cities such as Tokyo and Singapore.In cities that developed later,the World Bank and Asia Development Bank discouraged the building of public transport and people have been force to rely on cars—creating the massive traffic jams that characterize those cities.
  Stories about the problems of tourism have become legion in the last few years.Yet it does not have to be a problem.Although tourism inevitably affects the region in which it takes place,the costs to these fragile environments and their local cultures can be minimized.Indeed,it can even be a vehicle for reinvigorating local cultures,as has happened with the Sherpas of Nepal's Khumbu Valley and in some Alpine villages.And a growing number of adventure tourism operators are trying to ensure that their activities benefit the local population and environment over the long term.
  但是,如果第二句依然在讲细节,或者第二句话与第 一句构成并列的关系,说明第二句也不是主题句。此时,我们不要去看第三句,应该直接跳至段尾,看段落的一句话。
  All our subjects deemed the circle soft and the square hard.A full 94%ascribed happy to the circle,instead of sad.But other pairs revealed less agreement:79%matched fast to slow and weak to strong,respectively.And only 51%linked deep to circle and shallow to square.When we tested four totally blind volunteers using the same list,we found that their choices closely resembled those made by the sighted subjects.One man,who had been blind since birth,scored extremely well.He made only one match differing from the consensus,assigning'far'to square and'near'to circle.In fact,only a small majority of sighted subject—53%—had paired far and near to the opposite partners.Thus,we conclude that the blind interpret abstract shapes as sighted people do.
  当然,也有可能该段落本身就没有主题句。如果大家读完了第 一句、第二句和后面一句,都没法找到主题句的话,就要自己动手概括段落大意了。在这威海学为贵雅思培训学校老师大体总结一下,具备“介绍背景”、“叙事性强”、“时间/年份多”等特征的段落会比较难找到主题句


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